Quest AT 10 Meter Crossfire

10 Meter Crossfire

(2 Reviews)
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The 10 Meter Crossfire uses the basic shape and mold of the lightweight Crossfire putter, but has an added thick center region on the bottom of the flight plate that adds more weight to the disc.  It is another interesting contribution to the disc golf lineup from Quest AT.

Manufacturer Flight Numbers 2.5 / 2.0 / -1.0 / 1.0
Reviewer Flight Numbers 2.5/2/-1/1
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10 Meter Crossfire Dimensions

  • Diameter: 21.20 cm
  • Height: 2.10 cm
  • Rim Depth: 1.40 cm
  • Rim Width: 1.20 cm
  • Max Weight: 156g

Additional Information

  • Primary Use: Putt & Approach
  • Stability: Stable
  • Recommended Skill Level: Everyone
  • Plastic grade(s): Basic (Cheapest), Midgrade
  • Beadless


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