Obsidian Discs

Obsidian Discs

44 Discs in Stock

About Obsidian Discs

Obsidian Discs is a Finnish manufacturer founded in 2014. Focusing on designing discs that provide excellent flight characteristics and high end plastic. One of their major values is to work with the disc golf community. Many of their discs have been tested by the local disc golf community before a larger scale release. Obsidian makes it a point to listen to the disc golfers for new disc ideas and feedback on prototypes. They are striving to do their best to deliver discs that meet the actual needs of the players. In so doing, they are challenging current technologies and working to discover, invent, and develop better materials and methods to manufacture discs. Obsidian Discs aims to be a consistent and reliable manufacturer.

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Distance Drivers

Control Drivers

Mid Range
