Osuma Disc

Osuma Disc

149 Discs in Stock

About Osuma Disc

Osuma Disc is a Finnish based disc golf brand inspired by nordic nature, and the Nordic way of acting & doing.

At Osuma Disc, compromising on quality is simply not an option. They understand that a disc is the most valuable tool in a disc golfer's kit, and thus, it must perform flawlessly. All Osuma Discs undergo rigorous testing and are proudly manufactured in Finland, designed by passionate disc golf enthusiasts who truly understand the sport.

Rooted in Nordic simplicity, Osuma Disc cherishes the beauty found in minimalism. They embrace the challenge of making both the sport and their products effortlessly elegant. Standing side by side with their players, Osuma Disc aims to make disc golf one of the most popular sporting activities by simplifying the entry process for newcomers, making it accessible and enjoyable for all.


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Distance Drivers

Control Drivers

Mid Range
