Innova TeeDevil



(43 Reviews)
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You can tell just by looking at the TeeDevil that this disc is made for distance, with its super-wide rim and low profile. The TeeDevil slices through the air in surprisingly straight fashion if you have the right control. It is not the best disc for beginners, since a slight adjustment in the angle which you throw it can make a large difference in your flight path. For intermediate players and pros who have a strong snap and great control, this disc flies far. It is not easily gripped by every player, as it does have a very wide rim at 2.4cm – the width of this rim almost pushes the PDGA approval limit. For all players, the disc has a hint of understability mid-flight, but watch as the disc gently glides slower and the overstability pulls the disc back down to Earth.

Manufacturer Flight Numbers 12.0 / 5.0 / -1.0 / 2.0
Reviewer Flight Numbers 12/4.9/-1.1/2.1
Our Price:
$11.99 - $17.99

TeeDevil Dimensions

  • Diameter: 21.20 cm
  • Height: 1.60 cm
  • Rim Depth: 1.20 cm
  • Rim Width: 2.40 cm
  • Max Weight: N/A

Additional Information

  • Primary Use: Distance Driver
  • Stability: Stable
  • Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
  • Plastic grade(s): Air Bubbles, Durable, Premium
  • Beadless


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